By Gumptown Magazine Staff
MONTGOMERY, AL -Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless Inc. (ARCH) is one of 15 regional agencies that has been awarded funds from the federal Emergency Solutions Grant program by Gov. Ivey. Funds from this grant will allow ARCH and other agencies to provide shelter, legal and health services, and other assistance to those who face losing their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic or are already homeless.
“The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges for families around the globe,” Gov. Ivey said. “I am proud to direct these funds to benefit those greatly impacted in our own state. These grants will support programs and organizations that are able to provide at least some relief to many who are without a place of their own or at risk of becoming homeless.”
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the Emergency Solutions Grant from funds made available by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These funds come as a part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act also known as the CARES Act.
While the grant was awarded to ARCH, Executive Director, Felicia Jackson is credited with authoring the proposal that secured the 10 million dollar grant for the organization. ARCH is fortunate to serve under her leadership as one of the top executive minority female leaders in our state. Amongst other recipients ARCH received the largest sum from the allotted funds.
“I am a firm believer in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; for any person to reach their full potential, their basic needs must be met first. As an affordable housing and eviction prevention advocate, I understand the need for safety, shelter, and stability. I see housing as more than a basic need, but a human right. The Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless Inc. is honored to receive this grant from Gov. Ivey, the amount of impact this will have on the homeless population in the forty-two counties that we serve will be groundbreaking.” said Felicia Jackson.
Mrs. Jackson has extensive experience in the HUD Continuum of Care process, Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery, FEMA Disaster Case Management, affordable housing, and community development. She also has a strong track record of cultivating successful collaborations between government, housing developers, private sector, nonprofit and community partners as seen by her excellent work in securing this most recent grant.
The mission of the Alabama Rural Coalition for the Homeless Inc. is to bridge the gap between Communities, Landlords, Housing Developers, and State and Federal Resources to provide Support, Housing, and Services for homeless or at risk of homelessness individuals and families.
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