Montgomery Housing Authority announces two waitlist opening March 2021

Montgomery Housing Authority announces two waitlist opening March 2021

By Gumptown Magazine Staff

MONTGOMERY, AL — Montgomery Housing Authority’s (MHA) has two waitlists that it will be opening this month. The first one is the Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist (formerly Section 8) which will open March 16 – 18, 2021. The HCVP program provides rental assistance to low-income families, including seniors and those with disabilities, which can be used on the private rental market.

The second waitlist is for MHA’s public housing communities. This waitlist will open March 22, 2021 and will remain open until closed.

Registration for both is easy. Go to with any internet-based device (smartphone, tablet, desktop). Go to “MHA online application” to register. You will need social security numbers for all members of household, income, and telephone number.

Paper applications are not distributed or accepted by mail, fax, or in person. “Our entire application process is online,” said Glynis Tanner, Chief Operating Officer. “The computer randomly generates a list of 1,500 applicants to the wait list. It is not on a ‘first come, first-served’ basis.”

MHA informs applicants if their name is or is not included on the waiting list. Ranking on these lists are based on the date and time the applicant signed up. MHA waiting lists offer no guarantees.

For senior, or disabled persons, application requests can be made by calling (334) 206-7251 or by email at

For more information, call (334) 206-7185.

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