ALDOT to replace rest area on I-65 south in Greenville

ALDOT to replace rest area on I-65 south in Greenville

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Transportation is set to replace the I-65 South rest area near Greenville with a larger and updated rest area.  

The current structure will be demolished, and an updated rest area will be built in the same location. The new structure will have additional stalls, urinals, and family restrooms. 

The project is tentatively slated to begin in early May.  During construction the rest area and parking lot will be closed to the public. 

The northbound rest area will remain open during the southbound rest area’s upgrade.

Signs will be posted alerting travelers to the closure.  The next rest area will be in Evergreen, 44 miles away from the Greenville rest area.   

Article submitted by ALDOT.

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